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Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

One-Soft Meeting: Q2/2024

At TechSoft, we believe that quarterly meetings are essential for us to review progress, align priorities, solve problems, communicate effectively, foster accountability, and plan strategically. These regular gatherings provide a structured platform for our team members to discuss achievements, challenges, and…

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One-Soft Meeting: Q1/2024

At TechSoft, we believe that quarterly meetings are essential for us to review progress, align priorities, solve problems, communicate effectively, foster accountability, and plan strategically. These regular gatherings provide a structured platform for our team members to discuss achievements, challenges, and…

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TechSoft – A Place Where We Feel The Harmony

Each company will have their own story to be told about the logo they choose. At TechSoft, we opt to use the balance between the color “Blue” and “Pink”, to emphasize the harmony of masculinity and femininity, according to the closed…

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CodeCamp #3 Internship Graduation Ceremony

We celebrate a group of incredible individuals who have reached a significant milestone – completing their internship program at TechSoft. Throughout their tenure, these remarkable individuals have engaged in diverse projects at TechSoft, translating their skills into real-project applications and garnering…

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A Working Day Of Our TechSofter In The Netherland Office

Today, we’re excited to share with you a snapshot of the typical workday of our talented TechSofter, Lina, a UX/UI designer at the TechSoft office in the Netherlands. From morning bike rides with the European vibrance to client meetings and creative…

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Countdown to Celebration: Save the Date for New Year Party

Another year filled with sweet memories and joyous times has passed  . In a warm atmosphere to welcome the year 2024, our New Year Party is the moment for us to look back at the amazing things we’ve done in the…

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TechSoft’s Christmas: Unwrapping Joy and Building Memories

As the year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on our collective achievements and celebrate the festive spirit that unites us all. This year’s Christmas at TechSoft was a great blend of collaboration, creativity, and joy, showcasing the unique…

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Happy Hour: Fostering Team Unity and Celebrating Milestones

At TechSoft, we have a special culture that celebrates a Happy Hour event for our team’s work break every Friday. It’s an opportunity for members to unwind, interact, and participate in various activities. Moreover, everyone could extend congratulations to TechSofters who…

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Quarterly One-Team Meeting

We had #one-team company meeting. It is an opportunity for all of us to stay updated with business opportunities, technology competencies and project progress. It’s time for TechSoft team to look back at the amazing things we’ve done in the last…

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Happy Work Anniversary to Our Team

In the ever-evolving tech industry, where change is the only constant, having a dedicated team is the key to success. Recently, we had a chance to celebrate the one-year work anniversary of our team members. Happy Work Anniversary to our lovely…

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