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One-Soft Meeting: Q2/2024

OneSoft Company Meeting                                                                    Our Q2 2024 Reflections & planning for Q2 2024

Half of 2024 has gone and it has been a success so far!

At TechSoft, we believe that quarterly meetings are essential for us to review progress, align priorities, solve problems, communicate effectively, foster accountability, and plan strategically. These regular gatherings provide a structured platform for our team members to discuss achievements, challenges, and upcoming initiatives such as business, projects, technical overview, also the recruitments and employee benefits – Ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals. 

Starting with a one-team activity

One of our office walls is empty and we have had an idea to get it decorated. This time we are going to ‘paint’ the wall with our own thumbs.

Here is the result of having a ‘united’ wall at TechSoft to remember ‘the members’ who have been here. Years later, it will be definitely a good memory for many of us:

Internship Ceremonies and Birthday Celebrations

Through the year we continue offering a few internship opportunities for the students so they can come to take part in real-life projects and learn with us. We take this opportunity to celebrate their internship:

and also our team members’ birthday:

An overview of our business

We keep each other updated with our business results of the first half of 2024 and also outline the plan for us for the remaining of this year.

We would like appreciate our team members effort and also the trust of our clients putting on us so far. We continue doing our best to improving and delivering better.

Our current projects: Where are we now?

To ensure everyone’s on the same page, our Project Managers and Scrum Masters are hosting a special catch-up session. This session dives into our recent accomplishments from the past quarters and unveils the exciting roadmap for Q3. Through these detailed updates, team members will gain a clear understanding of project scopes, client requirements, and the overall delivery process. This transparency empowers everyone to catch up quickly and become valuable contributors to our success.

This meeting presents a unique opportunity for our company to bridge the gap between IT and non-IT personnel. By fostering an environment of knowledge exchange, it allows IT professionals to shed light on the intricacies of their work, the technologies they utilize, and how their contributions impact various project types. For non-IT staff, this provides valuable insight into the technical backbone that supports their daily tasks and the interconnectedness of different departments within a project’s lifecycle. Ultimately, this deeper understanding will break down silos, foster collaboration, and empower all employees to see the bigger picture. By appreciating how each role contributes to the overall workflow, we can collectively develop a clearer vision of the company’s goals and work together more effectively to achieve them.

Technical news: What will we have for the Q3? 

We keep our team updated of .NET 7 reaching end of support soon we need to be proactively taking actions.

We are going to grow our experience with Azure in the coming months.

Recruitments and employee benefits updates

The new quarter brings a wave of exciting developments! We’re revamping employee benefits to better support your well-being (details coming soon!), and we’ll share the impressive number of talented individuals who have joined our team recently. To keep things fun and engaging, the HR team has crafted a dynamic activity calendar featuring thrilling team trips, sweat-inducing sports challenges, and heartwarming charity sessions – all designed to foster team spirit, boost health, and create lasting memories. Stay tuned for specifics on each initiative – we’re committed to making this quarter a blast!