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#aBitBe: Upscale Knowledge with our Technical Sharing Session

Agility Software Architecture Sharing Session As TechSoft is a Technology Consulting company that develops a variety of projects, Software Architecture is one of the most important pieces of knowledge that our Company has to put in priority. Therefore, TechSoft organized a...
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#oneteam SUMMER OUTING TRIP 2023

A healthy environment is key to the continued success of our workplace and also a chance for TechSoft to re-energize the workforce, stir creativity among our employees, prompt new and innovative ideas for our business, and inspire a new sense of...
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4 Ways to Boost Your Software Development Team’s Productivity

As a technology company specializing in Software Development, TechSoft understands the importance of having a productive and efficient software development team. Productivity not only ensures timely delivery of projects but also impacts the overall quality of work.  Therefore, it is essential to keep...
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Top 5 Emerging Technologies That Will Disrupt the Software Development Industry

As a technology company specializing in software development, TechSoft understands that the industry is constantly evolving. New technologies are emerging all the time, which have the potential to significantly disrupt the status quo.  In this blog post, TechSoft will help you to have a look..
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