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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA


Sharpen your skills with our Internship

English Speaking

thumb up if you’re interested in

working in an environment where English the main language that we use to communicate with each other and also to our clients.

Hand-On experience

Get trained on interesting assignments

We will generate interesting assignments or even at a later stage you can join industrial assignments. This opportunity will be beneficial for your internship.

Duration of 3-5 months

Ideal Software Engineering Internship

You will be trained for a duration of 3-5 months without any obligations afterward. On the other hand, you’re welcome to join all company activities & enjoy company activities. 


Internship Ceremony

After completing the internship, you will be certified as having successfully completed an internship program at TechSoft. In addition, there are chances to land a new job opportunity to become a TechSofter, cheers! 

About CodeCamp #4

Internship Recruitment Process


Send your CV by English

Share with us your background, related work experience, and other essential information.


Attend Online Test

You’re called to attend the online test after passing the CV screening round via the Application Form.


Interview & Hiring sessions

Join in the interview session and having the hiring session with hiring manager on the date. 


Onboard as TechSofter member

At this stage, you’re welcome to become one of our members! 

We’re always eager to meet talents, so check out our open positions.

Software Engineer Intern
Are you up to become Software Engineer Intern at TechSoft?
AI Intern
Are you up to become AI Intern at TechSoft?
Software Tester Intern
Are you up to become Software Tester Intern at TechSoft?
Business Analyst Intern
Are you up to become Business Analyst Intern at TechSoft?
Business Development Intern
Are you up to become Business Development Intern at TechSoft?
HR Intern
Are you up to become an HR Intern at TechSoft?

Kick-start your career