A Place Where We Feel The Harmony
Our logo story and the gender equality
Each company will have their own story to be told about the logo they choose. At TechSoft, we opt to use the balance between the color “Blue” and “Pink”, to emphasize the harmony of masculinity and femininity, according to the closed circle that we balance the identities of each other. As we aim for reaching a long-term companionship amongst members, the story about gender equality in working environment is no longer a “hard-to-get” topic for TechSoft. We cherish every TechSofter as a crucial part of our journey.

Positive and energetic vibes
As one of our mottos states: “We treat other people the way we want to be treated.”. Together, we are building a working environment where everyone is welcomed to shine in their expertise with the support of our team members. We come to the office from 8 to 5 with a passion for what we are doing and with love for whom we are working with, with no barriers between the differences of genders to be counted.

Nio Tran, our team members shared: “TechSoft, with their core value #Kindess, allows me to feel the warm atmosphere from all colleagues despite of their genders. Here, each day presents new challenges that allow team members to continuously expand their skills and expertise. It is the sense of compassion exhibited by TechSofters uplifted my spirit significantly.”

The Other Half of the World
To celebrate the special day for our women, our male TechSofters secretly prepared some surprises to welcome our beautiful ladies. They arranged lovely sandwiches for breakfast, prepared hot tea pots to start the new day, and added thoughtful touches like postcards and sincere words. Our men even started their working day earlier than usual, at 7 AM instead of 8 AM, just to enjoy International Women’s Day with their female colleagues. They decorated every corner of the room to make it more extraordinary than usual.

A very normal day turns to be something special by sticking our pieces of memories together – as Tram Do, our HR Lead, expressed, “I didn’t expect such a lovely surprise like this. I thought International Women’s Day would be just like any other day on my way to work. Our male members have created a meaningful recollection for my career journey!”.
To extend the happiness of the day, soft melodies were performed by our “in-house” singers and slowly switched to another wonderful session named “floral arrangement contest” – Where our men can express their thoughts by giving our ladies the best flower baskets. Thank to this special organization, our team members feel more grateful and proud to be “the other half of the world”.